Dr. Jenny Taylor, D. Clin Psy., C. Psychol, AFBPS


After studying Human Sciences at the University of Sussex Jenny gained her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the Institute of Psychiatry in London.  She joined the committee of the BPS's Clinical Faculty for Children and Families shortly after qualifying, and went on to chair the Faculty, and then later to twice Chair the Division of Clinical Psychology.  During her tenure as Chair of the DCP Jenny oversaw the move to statutory regulation of clinical psychologists by the HCPC, and supported the roll out of the original adult IAPT program.  Her main aim as Chair was to increase people's understanding of clinical psychologists as being applied scientists, with the ultimate aim of better positioning psychological sciences contribution to all our mental health.

Jenny's main clinical and research interests are in the application of psychology to the problems of socially excluded families.  She managed a specialist CAMHS team in South London working with looked after children and their families and carers for several years, and then moved on to develop the North East London Multi-Systemic Therapy Service for young people at risk of care or custody, as well as holding the position of Borough Lead Psychologist for Hackney CAMHS.  Jenny has been the clinical lead for one of the DfE's Innovations Projects, working with Morning Lane Associates, for the NHS England project scoping ways of delivering integrated care across the Children and Young People's Secure Estate (SECURE STAIRS), and is currently Assistant Director for the London Borough of Southwark’s Children’s Social Services and for Hackney’s IAPT provision for the Charedi Jewish community.  She has been involved in a number of key publications regarding children and families, including the development of the NICE Guidelines for Conduct Disorder and various BPS publications on improving child and family services.  Jenny is an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society.  Click here for her full CV.